Кога срцето пишува...




My brain says NO but my heart says YES.

Where should I go?

I lost control.

He is a dangerous boy

I don’t know were he stands

Should I go? Should I risk?

Or should I stay, alone.

Please, lead me the way

I know I'm lost in his love.

His smile makes me wanna fly

Deep down I know he's a bad guy

I've already been tossed,

Babe, I'm lost.

When he looks at me I melt

Darling, what have you dealt?

Tell your friends it was nice to meet them,

But I hope I never see them again.

I keep staring at a single dove

And deep down I know I’m lost in his love.

My heart has been chasing you for 2 years

Losing you were my biggest fears.

My brain says NO but my heart says YES.

Where should I go?

How will this story end?

Уредник и Автор:Ања Јовановска VII-4


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